
Five minutes drops for your value time.

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#BP0x0ram<<Always Empty best advice look what you need. Fill up RAM. Take what you want.

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#BP0x0drops Only when RAM is paid!!!

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#BP0x0-0 free or 2wax
#BP0x0-1 two0’s or 4wax
#BP0x0-2 two1’s or 8wax

……………………………………………… #BP0x0-25 two24’s by Drop and Blend (t)ime use of 319y 24h or 67,108,864wax


The Fist 26 NFTS are Infinity and are used to trade 2 for 1. LOVE mint numbers. First is FREE if RAM is paid!


The NFTS over 25 are Limited in Mint. All are trade able for the first 26. The colors show what level you need to get a quality a NFTS. 1BurningNumber for 1CollectingNumber

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