NFTS for BOPIXBO@bobocoin.gm TOKEN

A NFT made for the Future.


This is #0 of the Collection BoboPixel0x0 infinity tradable but not burnable NFT.

They start all together at the same BoboValue they will only be dropped in a package.

Three PACKAGEs standing ready

Drop is difficult cause permanent out of RAM. Here you can find how to refill yourself and get what you want.https://bobopixel0x0.wordpress.com/bp0x0ram/


All NFTs of the Unlimited Edition except #0 will only be in PACKAGE sell!


How does it come to?

I simply be very sad about all the BurningNumbers they come out and get burned 😞 i guess this is love no progress without fire…But now NOT anymore 😊 with the new series is it possible to Trade and Collect your favorite Mints.

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