
All “BurningNumbers” from #BP0x0-0 – #BP0x0-25 can be trade 1 for 1 in to a Quality NFTs “CollectingNumbers”


#BP0x0-230 – 255





1a, 0b


2a, 1b, 0c


3a, 2b, 1c, 0d


4a, 3b, 2c, 1d, 0e


5a, 4b, 3c, 2d, 1e, 0f


6a, 5b, 4c, 3d, 2e, 1f, 0g


7a, 6b, 5c, 4d, 3e, 2f, 1g, 0h


8a, 7b, 6c, 5d, 4e, 3f, 2g, 1h, 0i


9a, 8b, 7c, 6d, 5e, 4f, 3g, 2h, 1i, 0j


10a, 9b, 8c, 7d, 6e, 5f, 4g, 3h, 2i, 1j, 0k


11a, 10b, 9c, 8d, 7e, 6f, 5g, 4h, 3i, 2j, 1k, 0l


12a, 11b, 10c, 9d, 8e, 7f, 6g, 5h, 4i, 3j, 2k, 1l, 0m


12b, 11c, 10d, 9e, 8f, 7g, 6h, 5i, 4j, 3k, 2l, 1m


12c, 11d, 10e, 9f, 8g, 7h, 6i, 5j, 4k, 3l, 2m


12d, 11e, 10f, 9g, 8h, 7i, 6j, 5k, 4l, 3m


12e, 11f, 10g, 9h, 8i, 7j, 6k, 5l, 4m


12f, 11g, 10h, 9i, 8j, 7k, 6l, 5m


12g, 11h, 10i, 9j, 8k, 7l, 6m


12h, 11i, 10j, 9k, 8l, 7m


12i, 11j, 10k, 9l, 8m


12j, 11k, 10l, 9m


12k, 11l, 10m


12l, 11m



Uhuhu the end this take quite some time to write lol i hope you enjoyed it.

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