
***Out of RAM***for quick ram refill for Drops or Blends. ON YOUR COST!*** https://neftyblocks.com/creator/bobopixeloxo

Hi and Welcome to the explanation of RAM in the WAX ecosystem. With BoboCoin.

There is a very good guide explained for more details for net CPU if you are here for that, Google it.”What is NET, CPU and RAM on the WAX Blockchain?”

Here I want to give you a quick guide how you can refill the RAM for “Drops” and “Blends”.

( NFTs you can buy in a drop and nfts you can automatically trade needs RAM to interact with the Blockchain!

How to refill bobopixeloxo RAM for Drops Or Blends.

Go to any comfortable wallet you use. Which of course handle waxp tokens addresses looks like ( cn1qw.wam ).

I recommend the Wombat Wallet Referral Code:


On the transfer tokens site. You can send any amount of WAX to “atomicdropsx” or “Blenderizerx” with the Memo “deposit_collection_ram:bobopixeloxo” But you can not Whitdrawl it!!!

154kb one NFTs


For one NFT! Send WAX more than 0.06WAX by writing this but it will continues grow in price for bytes. Nature of Crypto I guess.


You can also use this https://neftyblocks.com/creator/bobopixeloxo

It gives you details about how much RAM is paid and let you automatically refill RAM of your needs. This is the app I use.

For Drops! Send WAX token to “atomicdropsx” with Memo “deposit_collection_ram:bobopixeloxo” and start to drop your NFTs drops.



For Blends! Send WAX to “blenderizerx” with the Memo “bobopixeloxo” and start to trade your BoboPixel0x0 NFTs to the next level.



When you know thinking??? What! I should pay what others take out!

I can not help you. It is like it is. As more we try as more we get lost. Take it or Fake it.

Be in mind the whole collection is free and based on our (t)ime.

I would like to see everyone is able to get NFTs when he wants and not when I fill it up. In the beginning the most RAM is Paid by selling Aether. Now prices are very low and to full fill the 5 Minutes drop it’s quite not possible. I spent from time to time some WAX and of course use the WAX of the Commission for RAM but it’s faster gone than free candy;)

This Call should educated you to know how you can get free NFTs by (t)ime.


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